K.A. Colorado's Participation in International Scientific Conferences Includes:

The International Conference on Hydrometeorological Security, held in Moscow, Russia, in September 2006. As the only artist invited among a group of renowned scientists and climatologists from around the world, K.A. Colorado participated in this important scientific conference focusing on climate. His paper on Aesthetic Considerations and Implications of Snow Mass and Texture Changes was published and posted at the Conference, which was attended by climatologists and geologists whose areas of expertise included the Polar and Arctic regions.

The Polar Archives Conference and Symposium, held at the British Library in London, England, in November 2007. Invited to participate in this international conference, K.A. Colorado's paper entitled An Aesthetic Dialogue on Current Questions of Polar Climate Conditions was posted.

The Arctic Scientific Research Library, near the Antarctic, in the Tierra del Fuego region of South America, in 2003. K.A. Colorado was invited by a group of scientists who were interested in the artist's accurate artistic portrayals and paintings that visually captured icebergs and depicted their in-context locations. K.A. Colorado was the only artist sponsored to visit the Antarctic and its ice fields in order to study icebergs. He was sponsored by Dr. Jorge Rabassa, Director of CADIC-CONICET - Laboratorio de Geologia del Cuaternario - in Ushuaia, Argentina.

The Pemberton / Mount Meager land slide geological event field study and natural hazard research, conducted with international geological instructors and students in August 2010, in conjunction with the Simon Fraser University of Vancouver, B.C., Canada;

National Science Week in Ushuaia, Argentina, in June 2009. K.A. Colorado Ice Core Sculpture and Iceberg Painting were exhibited as a collaboration of art and science.

Perm University, Region of Perm, Russia, in February 2006. K.A. Colorado was invited to the University by the Geology Department to study the effects of climate change on the snow and weather conditions of the Perm Region.

Memorial University, Newfoundland, Canada, in June 2005. K.A. Colorado consulted with the Maritime Safety Department regarding the effect of climate change on increased ice melt in the ocean.

K.A. Colorado's Proprietary Series of Ice Core Sculptures Feature the Words of Renowned Scientists and Arctic Professionals from Throughout the World, Including:

Dr. James E. Hansen, noted scientist and authority on climate change issues, affiliated with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and its Goddard Institute for Space Studies, who has authored many technical papers, publications, and articles on the potential impacts of humans on the climate, and the predictions and effects of global warming;

Dr. Jorge Rabassa, Director of CADIC-CONICET - Laboratorio de Geologia del Cuaternario - in Ushuaia, Argentina at the Tierra del Fuego (Center at Ushuaia of the National Research Council of Argentina), who has authored several scientific books on Antarctica, and presented lectures on the impact of global warming on Patagonian and Antarctic glaciers;

Dr. Alexander A. Vasiliev, scientist and professor at the Hydrometeorological Center of Russia in Moscow, Russian Federation, co-chair of the International Conference on Hydrometeorological Security held in Moscow, Russia in 2006, and author of several climate-issue books and noted scientific papers;

Dr. James P. Delgado, maritime archaeologist and former Executive Director of the Vancouver Maritime Museum in Vancouver, British Columbia, as well as current Director of Maritime Heritage at the National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) in Washington, D.C.,who has authored numerous books on underwater discoveries, explored famous shipwrecks including the RMS Titanic, Carpathia, Mary Celeste, and U.S.S. Merrimack, co-hosted "The Sea Hunters" television series as well as TV specials for the Discovery Channel, National Geographic Explorer, History Channel, and ABC Network, and is the principal investigator on the current 3-D and HD documentation of the Titanic (Canada and U.S.A.);

Dr. John J. Clague, one of Canada's leading authorities in Quaternary and environmental earth sciences, and currently Professor and Shrum Chair in Science at Simon Fraser University, whose credentials include Emeritus Scientist with the Geological Survey of Canada, Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada, and Professional Geologist member of the Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of the Province of British Columbia, and who is well regarded for his 30 years experience in surficial/terrain mapping and natural hazard research and studies (Canada);

Neil J. Weenink, engineer and lecturer, M ASHRAE. M AIRAH. F AIHE., Queensland, Australia, who has written and lectured on energy-saving construction methods to reduce global warming and its effects;

Lynne Cox, record-holding long distance and Arctic/Antarctic swimmer, and motivational lecturer and best-selling author, who has written about her swims and experiences in the Arctic and Antarctic;

Ron Smith, Colonel, U.S. Air Force, who served as the in-theater commander in charge of logistics support to the U.S. Antarctic Program, including commanding the military mission in Antarctica for both air and sealift operations, and who has written and published poetry about the Arctic experience; and

Morteza Anoushiravani, Director of Infrastructure for the international humanitarian organization Mercy Corps, who has developed and built water systems for impoverished and disaster-stricken areas around the world including Africa, Indonesia, and Asia.

K.A. Colorado's Art Exhibitions Include:

"The Cow on the Iceberg" series of paintings, sculptures, and lectures at the West Vancouver Memorial Library in Vancouver, B.C., Canada, exhibiting paintings and sculptures about animals in the Antarctic, including DNA-imbedded Ice Core Sampling sculptures, held throughout the month of April 2010;

A TED talk and art exhibition at the TED Conference in Monterey, California, invited to be a noted speaker as part of the prestigious TED talks web-cast throughout the world, held at the Monterey Institute of International Studies on April 15, 2010;

The Earth Art Show international exhibition, curated by K.A. Colorado and featuring international artists from Canada, England, and the United States, held in Troutdale, Oregon, in April and May 2010;

Solo exhibition entitled "Polar Dialogue 2009" held at the LA Artcore contemporary art museum in Los Angeles, California, in October and November 2009;

The imbedding of a K.A. Colorado "Kyoto Protocol Dialogue" Ice Core Sculpture in the cauldron of Volcano Mt. Pillan near the border of Argentina and Chile in March 2009 by a South American climbing expedition team;

Historical painting on permanent exhibition at the headquarters of the San Francisco Electrical Contractors Association in San Francisco, California, installed in 2009;

Historical mural on permanent exhibition at the Electrical Training Institute of Southern California educational and institutional site in Los Angeles, California, installed in 2007;

The performance of the first known Kinetic Snow Sculpture, successfully completed in Perm, Russia in February 2006, featuring a moving maze of snow and ice, and serving as a creative tool to measure the moisture content in the snow;

The co-founding of the Winter Arts Festival and Ice and Snow Competition in the Perm Region of Russia in 1995;

The organization of the first joint American-Russian Artists Exhibition in Saint Petersburg, Russia, featuring artists from the U.S. and Russia, in 1991;

Lead artist for gold-medal-winning U.S.A. Snow Sculpture Team, winner of the Gold Medal in Breckinridge, Colorado, and exhibitor of snow sculptures in Finland, Switzerland, France, Japan, China, Russia, and the U.S., from 1987 through 1994;

Hosted sculpture team from Switzerland in Breckinridge, Colorado, in 1987; and

Organized and exhibited in international art shows held at the American Institute of Architects, in Oakland, California; Seattle, Washington; and Portland, Oregon; featuring Russian artists and K.A. Colorado art, in 1993, 1994, and 1995.

Special Awards Presented to K.A. Colorado Include:

In October 2008, K.A. Colorado was honored by the LA Artcore Museum at their Annual Banquet in Los Angeles, where he was recognized as "Artist of the Year" for his art and international work in climate-related issues and environmental concerns;

Certificate of Excellence awarded to K.A. Colorado by Mayor Tom Bradley of the City of Los Angeles for work performed in design and exhibition on behalf of the Los Angeles Public Library in 1982;

Gold Medal for design and exhibition of snow sculpture in Breckinridge, Colorado, by the International Snow Sculpture Competition Organization, in 1987; and

Special Recognitions by the Mayor & City Offices, the Cultural Department, and the Gorky Park organization of Perm, Russia, for founding and continuing to support the Winter Festival and Ice and Snow Competition in Perm, Russia, in 1995 and 1997 and 1998.

Upcoming K.A. Colorado Art Exhibitions:

The Pemberton / Mount Meager land slide geological event field study art piece, begun August 2010, for exhibition at the Simon Fraser University of Vancouver, B.C., Canada;

The Castle Canet-en-Roussillon Ice Core Project, begun May 2010, for exhibition in conjunction with Canet, France, and in Perm, Russia in January 2011;

The Volcano Ice Core art series project, currently on-going in several corresponding countries, including Chile, Argentina, and Africa, for world-wide exhibition in 2011; and

The "Frost-Byte Hand Prints" Series, begun in November 2010, exhibited in Perm, Russia in January 2011.

©2011 K.A. Colorado